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Thursday, 29 July 2010

Free software at the big tent

I decided to get a stall at the big tent to promote free software. My daughter helped create a poster and we loaded up our bikes and rode off complete with imac in tow in the bike trailer. It was a good weekend though I was knackered at the end of it (90 miles home to venue to digs and back home mostly with a bike trailer). Many people had never heard of free software GNU or even Linux.

Being a so called "green event" I had many folk that were open to the ethics that free software provides. As such I pushed that angle. I had my imac running Debian main, and two netbooks running Blag. During the weekend I met many folk, from Microsoft employees, free-software developers, and Ubuntu users (many of which did not know what free-software was!) I made a few converts to the idea of free-software and some folk said the will try Blag or Debian. I also talked about digital iceage, vendor lockin, open standards, and web2.0  and WebM amongst other things

Here are some pics:

Unpacking the bike

Our poster :) The four freedoms were regarded as very cool as was the fact my old imac was still running an up to date OS

The festival was on a large spread out site, here's a little bit of it.

Main stage

Away from free-software I also made a smoothie maker bike for some friends. It made over 250 over the two days.